Introduction to rdeck

{rdeck} lets you use R to describe interactive WebGL maps built with Uber’s framework and mapbox base maps.

These maps can smoothly render data interactively on a much larger scale than html/svg frameworks like Leaflet. Visually appealing 3D and lighting effects are also possible, thanks to WebGL rendering.

{rdeck} maps consist of a basemap (requires a mapbox account) and 0 or more layers. Basemaps are defined via the rdeck(map_style) parameter, which is any valid mapbox style identifier, e.g. "mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v10". The basemap can be disabled with rdeck(map_style = NULL).

Layers are added to an {rdeck} map by calling one of the add layer methods on an rdeck instance. e.g. rdeck() %>% add_scatterplot_layer(). The order in which layers are added determines their z-index; each layer added to the map will appear on top of all previously added layers.

Every layer can be created with their defaults, however layers without data are almost useless as they will be empty. All layer arguments (other than rdeck) must be named.

Some examples follow.


These packages are required for the following examples. With exception of RcppSimdJson, these packages will be frequently used in creating {rdeck} maps.

# loading example data

Loading example data

In this example, we create a simple scatterplot layer using the manhattan example data from This data can be used directly from the URL, however this is not typical usage of {rdeck}, so first we’ll load this data into a data frame.

url <- file.path(
  fsep = "/"
manhattan_data <- fload(url) %>%
  as_tibble(.name_repair = ~ c("lon", "lat", "species")) %>%
    position = sfc_point(lon, lat),
    species = as.factor(species),
    species_name = if_else(species == 1, "dog", "cat")

The manhattan data we have loaded. Our scatterplot layer will make use of the position column to define the centre of each rendered point, and the species column to change the point colours and sizes. lon and lat aren’t used in any of the layer parameters, so they won’t be serialised.

#> # A tibble: 13,987 × 5
#>      lon   lat species             position species_name
#>    <dbl> <dbl> <fct>            <POINT [°]> <chr>       
#>  1 -74.0  40.7 2       (-73.98602 40.73074) cat         
#>  2 -74.0  40.7 1       (-73.98429 40.72947) dog         
#>  3 -74.0  40.7 1       (-73.98775 40.73202) dog         
#>  4 -74.0  40.7 2       (-73.98689 40.73011) cat         
#>  5 -74.0  40.7 2       (-73.98516 40.72883) cat         
#>  6 -74.0  40.7 1       (-73.98818 40.72979) dog         
#>  7 -74.0  40.7 1       (-73.98646 40.73106) dog         
#>  8 -74.0  40.7 1        (-73.98386 40.7317) dog         
#>  9 -74.0  40.7 1       (-73.98559 40.73042) dog         
#> 10 -74.0  40.7 2       (-73.98883 40.73058) cat         
#> # ℹ 13,977 more rows

Scatterplot map

Here we create a simple scatterplot map with a dark vector basemap and cividis() colour scale for the scatterplot layer.

The scatterplot points are scaled by the species categories found in the data (which in this dataset are dog and cat); this colour scale generates a categorical legend.

Point density is highlighted with additive blending, making dense areas appear brighter.

All points have the same radius of 30 metres, with a minimum of 0.5 pixels (to prevent them from disappearing at low zooms).

Hovered points will become brighter — by using a similar colour scale as get_fill_color — and will render a tooltip containing the species category from the data.

  map_style = mapbox_dark(),
  # set the bounds of the map to include all of the manhattan data
  initial_bounds = st_bbox(manhattan_data$position),
  # add a 2 pixel buffer to each point, making it easier to hover
  picking_radius = 2
) %>%
    name = "manhattan_animals",
    data = manhattan_data,
    # the coloumn in manhattan_data which contains the location of each point
    get_position = position,
    # a categorical colour scale, using the species column and a cividis colour palette
    get_fill_color = scale_color_category(
      col = species,
      palette = cividis(2)
    # the radius of each point (default 1 metre) is scaled by 30
    radius_scale = 30,
    radius_min_pixels = 0.5,
    # highlight dot density
    blending_mode = "additive",
    # interactivity
    pickable = TRUE,
    auto_highlight = TRUE,
    # per-species highlight colour
    highlight_color = scale_color_category(
      col = species,
      palette = c("#0060e6", "#fff399"),
      legend = FALSE
    tooltip = c(species, species_name)
#> Warning in mapbox_access_token(): ! Assertion failed: length(tokens) == 0
#> ! No mapbox access token found, mapbox basemap won't be shown.
#> ℹ Set mapbox token with one of:
#> • option `options(rdeck.mapbox_access_token = <token>)`
#> • environment variable `MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN = <token>`
#> • environment variable `MAPBOX_TOKEN = <token>`
#> ℹ See <>

Grouping points

In the following example, we group all points by species_name so that we can highlight all points of a given species at once.

manhattan_data_grouped <- manhattan_data %>%
  group_by(species_name) %>%
    position = st_union(position),
    count = n(),
    .groups = "drop"

Our grouped data:

#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#>   species_name                                                    position count
#>   <chr>                                                   <MULTIPOINT [°]> <int>
#> 1 cat          ((-73.99674 40.76856), (-73.99555 40.76893), (-74.00115 40…  7554
#> 2 dog          ((-73.99592 40.7739), (-73.99528 40.77207), (-73.99829 40.…  6433

The following map is almost identical to the previous map, we have replaced the data parameter, the scales to use the species_name and the tooltip to include the new column, count.

  map_style = mapbox_dark(),
  # set the bounds of the map to include all of the manhattan data
  initial_bounds = st_bbox(manhattan_data_grouped$position),
  # add a 2 pixel buffer to each point, making it easier to hover
  picking_radius = 2
) %>%
    name = "manhattan_animals",
    data = manhattan_data_grouped,
    # the coloumn in manhattan_data which contains the location of each point
    get_position = position,
    # a categorical colour scale, using the species column and a cividis colour palette
    get_fill_color = scale_color_category(
      col = species_name,
      palette = cividis(2)
    # the radius of each point (default 1 metre) is scaled by 30
    radius_scale = 30,
    radius_min_pixels = 0.5,
    # highlight dot density
    blending_mode = "additive",
    # interactivity
    pickable = TRUE,
    auto_highlight = TRUE,
    # per-species highlight colour
    highlight_color = scale_color_category(
      col = species_name,
      palette = c("#0060e6", "#fff399"),
      legend = FALSE
    tooltip = everything()
#> Warning in mapbox_access_token(): ! Assertion failed: length(tokens) == 0
#> ! No mapbox access token found, mapbox basemap won't be shown.
#> ℹ Set mapbox token with one of:
#> • option `options(rdeck.mapbox_access_token = <token>)`
#> • environment variable `MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN = <token>`
#> • environment variable `MAPBOX_TOKEN = <token>`
#> ℹ See <>

Scaling additional parameters

We are able to scale many parameters on each layer. In the following example, we additionally scale the radius by the count of species_name.

  map_style = mapbox_dark(),
  # set the bounds of the map to include all of the manhattan data
  initial_bounds = st_bbox(manhattan_data_grouped$position),
  # add a 2 pixel buffer to each point, making it easier to hover
  picking_radius = 2
) %>%
    name = "manhattan_animals",
    data = manhattan_data_grouped,
    # the coloumn in manhattan_data which contains the location of each point
    get_position = position,
    # a categorical colour scale, using the species column and a cividis colour palette
    get_fill_color = scale_color_category(
      col = species_name,
      palette = cividis(2)
    # we only have 2 groups, so this scale is equivalent to a categorical scale with the
    # same parameters
    get_radius = scale_linear(
      col = count,
      range = sqrt(1:2)
    # the radius of each point is scaled by 30
    radius_scale = 30,
    radius_min_pixels = 0.5,
    # highlight dot density
    blending_mode = "additive",
    # interactivity
    pickable = TRUE,
    auto_highlight = TRUE,
    # per-species highlight colour
    highlight_color = scale_color_category(
      col = species_name,
      palette = c("#0060e6", "#fff399"),
      legend = FALSE
    tooltip = everything()
#> Warning in mapbox_access_token(): ! Assertion failed: length(tokens) == 0
#> ! No mapbox access token found, mapbox basemap won't be shown.
#> ℹ Set mapbox token with one of:
#> • option `options(rdeck.mapbox_access_token = <token>)`
#> • environment variable `MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN = <token>`
#> • environment variable `MAPBOX_TOKEN = <token>`
#> ℹ See <>

High-level layers

This example code is repetitive, copy-pasta that will inevitably result in maintenance problems, as well as increased developer effort.

Generally when creating maps, we will encapsulate the creation of one or more layers in a function. Similar to creating functions to encapsulate tidy-methods, the use of curly-curly is needed here for any parameters that accept an accessor parameter.

The only rule in creating a layer function is that the function takes an rdeck map as a parameter (typically first parameter) and that map must be returned; this makes the function chainable.

In the following example, we parameterise the data, fill palette, highlight palette, and get radius (which will require curl-curly) for our original scatterplot layer.

add_manhattan_layer <- function(rdeck, manhattan_data,
                                fill_palette, highlight_palette, get_radius) {
  rdeck %>%
      name = "manhattan_animals",
      data = manhattan_data,
      get_position = position,
      get_fill_color = scale_color_category(
        col = species_name,
        palette = fill_palette
      # we need curly-curly for get_radius
      get_radius = {{ get_radius }},
      radius_scale = 30,
      radius_min_pixels = 0.5,
      blending_mode = "additive",
      pickable = TRUE,
      auto_highlight = TRUE,
      highlight_color = scale_color_category(
        col = species_name,
        palette = highlight_palette,
        legend = FALSE
      tooltip = everything()

Usage of our new function is like adding any other layer, just now that it is opinionated and isn’t limited to adding a single layer.

  map_style = mapbox_dark(),
  # set the bounds of the map to include all of the manhattan data
  initial_bounds = st_bbox(manhattan_data$position),
  # add a 2 pixel buffer to each point, making it easier to hover
  picking_radius = 2
) %>%
    manhattan_data = manhattan_data_grouped,
    fill_palette = viridis(2, alpha = 0.7),
    highlight_palette = viridis(2),
    get_radius = scale_category(
      col = species_name,
      # swap the levels order, dogs are now bigger
      levels = c("cat", "dog"),
      range = c(1, sqrt(3))
#> Warning in mapbox_access_token(): ! Assertion failed: length(tokens) == 0
#> ! No mapbox access token found, mapbox basemap won't be shown.
#> ℹ Set mapbox token with one of:
#> • option `options(rdeck.mapbox_access_token = <token>)`
#> • environment variable `MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN = <token>`
#> • environment variable `MAPBOX_TOKEN = <token>`
#> ℹ See <>